

能力教育(CBE) measures your mastery of the subject material (rather than how many hours you spent in class) to determine if you earn credit. 把另一个 way, with CBE, it’s about what you know and can do, not how many hours you spent learning it.

CBE courses contain the same assignments, instruction videos, quizzes, etc.,作为… 课程的常规在线版本. The main difference is that in a CBE class, most of those lessons and activities are optional (and not graded). 您将完成如下操作 many (or few) as you need to learn the material. 当你觉得你准备好了,你就可以 以评估为例. If you pass with an 80% or above, you may move on to the next section. If you score below 80%, you will need to review the material before retaking 评估.


在CBE课程中,你学习一项技能,直到你 可以证明 你能理解它. This is different from a traditional course where you are given an assignment, you submit it, take whatever grade you are given, and move on with learning the material regardless of the score. 练习和复习是一部分 CBE的学习过程. This means that if you do not demonstrate competency initi所有y, you will receive feedback and opportunities to learn more so that you can 证明你有能力.

Because you are demonstrating you are competent and understand the concepts and skills, 不仅仅是得到一个分数,你还需要 得分至少80% on 所有 required assessments, papers, projects, and demonstrations for the course.

Some students wonder if it is fair to require at least 80% for success in the course? When creating the CBE course, we have developed it with the assumption that 每个学生都可以得到至少80%的分数. If you don't get 80% on the first attempt on an exam or paper, you will be given 反馈和指导. You will then have the chance to 以评估为例 again, 尽管问题会有所不同.

Feedback and revision are some of the best qualities of a CBE course. 学生往往 to enjoy being able to fully understand the material before they move on to another 主题. Be aware of any policies in your specific course syllabus about revisions and 重新提交.


You earn grades by passing Assessments of Competency. 您可能看到的评估类型 在你的能力为基础的课程是:

  • 考试
  • 项目
  • 签名的作业
  • 演讲
  • 示威活动
  • 采访中,等.

All assessments must be passed to pass the class.

All 雪的大学 CBE courses will have consistent passing standards. 通过CBE assessment, the following standards are in place:

  • 80% is the minimum passing score for 所有 assessments
  • 所有评估允许两次尝试
  • If you fail the second attempt of an assessment, you are required to complete additional learning activities in the course and then take an Alternate Assessment.
    • An Alternate Assessment tests the same knowledge and skills but does it through different 问题或不同的格式.
      • 例子: A student fails the second attempt of a multiple-choice exam. 学生必须完成 the additional learning activities in the course that are associated with that assessment. When that learning is complete, the student is given another version of the multiple-choice 考试或给一个项目来完成.
    • Two attempts are 所有owed on Alternate Assessments.


Some courses require you to complete 基准测试任务. 基准测试任务:

  • Help you know when you are prepared to successfully pass an assessment
  • Must be completed prior to attempting an assessment
  • 包括你的教练的反馈
  • Can be revised until the submission meets minimum requirements
  • Must be completed to pass the class but are not included in the grade calculation


When you take a CBE class at 雪的大学, your education isn’t outsourced to third-party 年级学生. You will be taught and graded by the same great professors that teach on-campus. They will be available by email, phone, videoconference, or in-office help.

CBE students will also have free access to tutor.网站,全天24小时开放.

绝对! That’s one of the main things that sets our CBE classes apart. 你可以 fully mix and match which type of class you take, depending on what you think will 做最适合自己的人. They 所有 count the same toward your degree or certificate.

是的! We’ve worked hard to offer accredited CBE courses that are fully transferable.

CBE classes are a good fit for a wide variety of students, but adult learners with some work or life experience find CBE classes especi所有y helpful. 他们可以很快 check off the material they already know, giving them more time to spend on what they 仍然需要掌握.

Traditional students can also benefit from CBE classes. 它们提供了额外的灵活性 that can be helpful for students as they are trying to balance work and school. 学生 who are motivated and work best independently will be successful in CBE classes.

To ensure success in your CBE class, it is vital that you have access to the following:

  • Stable Internet Connection (High-speed is best)
  • 电脑-台式或笔记本电脑
  • 网络摄像头
  • 演讲者
  • 麦克风

In CBE courses, you will work with your professor to make a plan for completing the course at your own pace as long as you are done before the end of the semester. In a traditional course you are expected to be on the same 主题 at the same time as 你的其他同学. In traditional courses, attendance is also a crucial part 讨论的内容. Attendance is not a requirement for students in CBE courses.